Tuesday, July 2, 2013

"I never touched a book in law school."

Can you graduate from law school without reading books? Apparently you can. Here's an example from the book The Dyslexic Advantage a pioneering book:
Ben Foss graduated from Stanford with a joint JD/MBA. He says "I never touched a book in law school. I learned to abandon reading." So what was the secret? Using text-to-speech software that reads anything on a computer aloud including the digital text version of law books. Foss actually listened at high speed 2 or 3 times the regular rate of spoken text. "That was the only approach that allowed me to keep up with all the assignments. I chose a totally different road than most students, because for me going through the book was like inching over an unpaved road, while going through my alternative formats was like speeding down the autobahn."

This is truly amazing because law school is generally regarded as the mother of all reading assignments. The sheer volume of reading especially the first year is considered so heavy it weeds out many people who quit, figuring law is not for them. This guy took a different approach and proved that simply reading text on a page fast has nothing to do with being "smart" and actually turned out to be unnecessary.

Try text-to-speech yourself here. http://text-to-speech.imtranslator.net/
You can type anything and it reads it aloud.

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