Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Lipophos and EDTA are kryptonite for heart disease

If you are serious about reversing--not just preventing--heart disease and getting your circulation back, you essentially need to clear the gunk out of your arteries. Most doctors cannot help you do this, because they are told by the establishment to prescribe meds like statins that just treat symptoms, not the problem itself. They call it the "drugs and surgery model": wait around until you are in such bad shape that you need drugs and/or surgery.

But new advances in medicine in just the last 5-10 years have changed the game totally and put patients' destinies in their own hands. I don't say this speaking theoretically. I have used these new techniques myself, experimented, and it is truly astounding--not an understatement--how they can steadily clear your arteries. Doctor's on the cutting edge say the same thing.

The gunk in your heart and arteries takes at least five forms, which I am writing a book about. New technologies can now remove all of them. Yet most people who need them don't even hear about them because their doctors are overwhelmed and Big Pharma wants to keep selling its drugs.

Roto rooter
Two of the most well-known forms of gunk are calcifications and cholesterol deposits.

If you have a few hundred dollars to save your life and are looking for a simple, can't miss way to start making heavy dents in your gunk and restore your cardiovascular system, Lipophos EDTA is it. There's no question that it works, here's one MD advocate:

Lipophos EDTA is really two products in one:
1. Lipophos alters cholesterol to allow it to melt. It's a byproduct of soy lecithin.
2. EDTA binds to calcium to strip it out of your arteries--not your bones. It's a common food additive, found in Mountain Dew for example.

You can also buy Lipophos alone separately, and actually you get a lot more for your money this way. You could combine both.

The *huge* point to remember about EDTA is that you want liquid EDTA. Almost all of the EDTA capsules sold today are powder. Hardly any of it passes through your intestines into your system. There's a way to hack the system: buy liquid EDTA from a dental supplier. Whah? Yes. The same liquid EDTA found in Mountain Dew is sold to dentists, to remove calcifications in "smear layer removal," whatever that is. Does it work? Yep, I've done it for years, gone through probably 12 bottles. Liquid EDTA is so powerful, you will vomit within seconds if you drink it straight. But if you dilute one capful it about 1.5-2 liters of water, it's fine.

Need to be steady and consistent
Be advised, this is not a one shot deal, you don't take one bottle of Lipophos EDTA wake up the next day with no gunk in your arteries. But you do wake up with less gunk in your arteries, there's no question about that. For the full job of reversing a lifetime's worth of gunk, you will need 50+ bottles of Lipophos EDTA to do the job. Sure, that may cost over $1000 and takes years. How much does a bypass cost, and how much is the rest of your life with heart disease cost? What you are doing is essentially a massive cleaning project. If you imagine pipes that have gunk built up over decades, that's what you have to clear out. It takes time, but it starts right away.

"Small" improvements are huge
It is important to recognize that for somebody with arteries 90% clogged, bringing that down to 70% triples blood flow. This could be done in a year if it is done right. It could be the difference between life and death.

Or if you arteries are clogged 70%, just reducing that to 40% over a couple years doubles blood flow and you are on the road to real heart attack prevention--not the statin kind.

Why statins are not the answer
Besides the fact that statins are linked to depression, suicide, and muscle loss, what most doctors don't tell you is that statins do nothing--nothing--to increase the volume of blood flow through your arteries. They just thin the blood.

To use an analogy, if there is a burning building, statins help prevent immediate deaths by keeping people moving through the hallways and stairwells to get people out of the building. But the long term solution is to stop the building from burning. If you are just taking statins, you are basically conceding that fact that your body is like a burning building, like a ticking time bomb waiting for a heart attack, and you're sitting idly by watching it burn. The tragedy is that there are a whole wealth of "fire extinguishers" available now that weren't available even 10 years ago, but most people don't know about them, including most doctors, due to Big Pharma wanting to people hopped up on drugs year after year.

Major asterisk: EDTA is extremely powerful in removing minerals, so you absolutely have to stop after each use and put back i.e. replenish minerals lost. This means three minerals specifically: calcium, manganese, and germanium. You can do restore calcium and manganese through supplements and/or foods like milk and almonds. For germanium, the best way is to take a few capsules of suma, an herb very high in germanium. Suma is good for you in other ways beyond germanium as well.

To be very clear, if you skip this step of replenishing these minerals--all three, not one or two--you will feel lousy and your body will not function right. I say this from experience.

To sum up, calcifications and cholesterol are two of the prime culprits known to cause heart disease, lack of circulation, etc. Lipop

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Interesting look at examples of haptic i.e. touch intelligence

Interesting look at examples of haptic i.e. touch intelligence - near the bottom under "some activities/behaviors that reflect the touch intelligence"

Multiple intelligences - Lawrence Sherman - Miami U of Ohio

Monday, October 3, 2016

"Sugar is sugar" is wrong

Remember those "sugar is sugar" commercials put out by the corn growers--who supply the toxic sludge high fructose corn syrup that is one of the primary poisons in America?

As pointed out in a previous post and as proven again here in this article, that idea is completely false--to the point of absurdity. There are dozens of types of sugars and some are much worse for the body than others. Some are also very good for you, like those labeled "essential sugars" which most people have never heard of: fucose, galactose, glucose, mannose, N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylneuraminic acid and xylose.

All we usually hear about is a limited handful of sugars like fructose, sucrose, dextrose, lactose, etc.

Evidence shows some sugars are worse than others