Tuesday, July 12, 2011

"Chronic cardio" is not a good way to lose fat and/or change your body composition

One time my car broke down and a tow truck came to get me. The driver turned out to be a kickboxer. He said he couldn't lose his belly fat, even though he ran six miles a day. Long cardio sessions day after day have been called "chronic cardio." It is counterproductive for losing fat.

Doing cardio (i.e. 45-90 min jogs) is not "bad" in itself as some bodybuilding sites say and plays a big role in keeping weight under control. Done a couple times a week it just reduces your overall weight, both fat and muscle. However, you don't want to lose too much muscle since muscle mass is a key component that helps burn fat. When you do cardio excessively, you lose so much muscle that you burn fat less effectively. As a result people often end up "skinny fat", with really skinny legs and arms (no fat and no muscle) but still carrying fat on their belly/thighs/etc. (depending on what body type they have).

See "Slow-mo cardio and interval training" on this "Tools of the Fat Loss Physique Page"