Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The most explosive muscle fibers do not produce the biggest muscles

I make this comment to dispel the false logic that doing explosive workouts like sprinting or plyometrics should produce huge muscles. You can be very explosive and not particularly big. So don't worry that you are doing something wrong if you are doing explosive exercises and not getting huge. As long as you are getting quicker it's effective.

-Bodybuilders (most muscle size) do not have the most explosive muscle fibers. They have mostly intermediate (2A) fibers.

-While it is true that the most explosive (2B) i.e. sprinter fibers are the biggest in terms the size of each actual fiber itself, all these fibers together do not produce the biggest overall muscle volume. Reasons for that are not clear, likely fewer overall fibers.

You can see this easily in the fact that many (not all) athletes high in super-fast muscle fibers are actually pretty skinny. Examples: amazingly quick guys like John Wall, Neymar.

Sure -- many sprinters are have a pretty good muscle volume compared to an average person, but it's nothing compared to bodybuilders.

How do train super-fast muscles?
-Sprints and strides
-Boxing, heavy bag, etc.
-Drop and catch exercises, plyometrics, depth jumps, etc.

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