Thursday, March 10, 2011

Where weight loss comes from

I used to think losing fat came from working your butt off. Most people thought that and a lot still do. In the last decade or so, it has become apparent, including a Time magazine cover story, that this is not the case--with an asterisk.

To be sure, losing fat doesn't come from being lazy. And exercise is still essential because it has a major effect on how your body uses food. Not only lack of exercise but the wrong exercise can make it more difficult for your body to use food. But really, the majority of losing fat comes from good eating, which is hard to do because there are so many options people's heads are spinning... but that's another story.

In essence, weight loss is a byproduct of giving your body the right types of fuels that it needs. To do this you have to either a) be lucky, which some people are who are fit without giving much thought to what they eat or b) understand the basics of nutrition. If there is one thing for certain, it is that in nutrition one size does not fit all. Some people need lots of fats, some more carbs and low fat, and most in between. Also, people's needs change over time in both the long and short term. One of the best places to begin is with books that are based on this fact - that one size does not fit all. Books like the Metabolic Effect diet and Metabolic Type Diet are a good start.

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