Thursday, March 10, 2011

Counting calories is a waste of time

Counting calories is a waste of time. It is like counting coins without thinking about what kinds of coins they are. What matters is not the number of calories but the type of calories you eat, because different types of calories have very different effects.

The following foods all have about the same calories:
Two tablespoons of sugar
A large chicken breast
A tablespoon of olive oil

Yet each has a completely different effect on the body, in fact a multitude of different effects. For example, the chicken breast cannot be stored as fat. It's impossible. It is highly thermogenic meaning it will heat up the body (which could be good or bad depending on the person). It will also repair muscle and steady blood sugar by triggering glucagon, the anti-insulin. The olive oil can slow some people down or be steady fuel for others. The sugar is too much for most people and will trigger excess insulin resulting in the vicious cycle of high and low blood sugar i.e. hyper- and hypoglycemia.

These are just some of the different effects that these foods have--and all of these effects are much more relevant to nutrition, disease prevention and reversal, and fat loss than the number of calories they contain.

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