Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Get into seeds

Simple way to vastly improve your diet: get into seeds.

Get hold of these three seeds and have them in your kitchen to sprinkle on just about anything:

-Chia (Omega 3)
-Pumpkin (Omega 6 & 3)
-Poppy (Omega 9)

It's better to keep chia and pumpkin seeds in the fridge because Omega 3s tend to go rancid fast unless refrigerated.

All seeds are very dense in phytonutrients, the plant nutrients that don't show up on "vitamins and minerals" lists and are most missing from the modern diet. Seeds help make you feel full so don't feel the need to eat as much, and give that crunchy feel to food. They also have hard-to-find vitamins like B17 which has been linked to curing cancer. You don't need a lot, even a sprinkle or half teaspoon makes a big difference.

In all cases, drink a lot of water with seeds because the insoluble fiber needs to soak up a lot of water to stay fluid.
Other seeds
-Sesame seeds
are high in lignans and antioxidants
-Sunflower seeds are not my favorite because they are sky-high in Omega 6s which we usually get too much of anyway.

-Flax seed has special benefits for women, but otherwise for Omega 3s I would go with Chia seeds which taste way better

-Hemp seeds have many benefits including Omega 6 and 3 but for me they cause an allergic reaction, I have tried them several times

Special note: Apricot seeds/kernels are sky-high in B17 which is considered by some a cure for cancer.

-Seeds are like little insoluble fiber bombs. Insoluble fiber can be hard to come by usually found in the skins of fruits and vegetables and in nuts. Seeds make it simple to get insoluble fiber.

-Chia seeds in particular are the best source of ALA Omega 3s (different from the Omega 3s in fish oil; ALA is the precursor to EPA and DHA in fish oil and some of the ALA from Chia will convert to EPA and DHA. You need both.)

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