Monday, August 26, 2013

Finally - A2 milk is on its way

Where cow's milk took a wrong turn
Casein = general name for milk protein

Since mankind first milked cows, A2 has been the original milk protein i.e. casein. However, nearly all of the cow's milk sold today is not A2 but has a mutation called A1 casein which causes allergies and has been linked to autism, Type 1 diabetes, not to mention bloating, cramps and other health problems. (These A1 casein-related problems are not related to being organic or grass fed.) Apparently several hundred years ago, the problematic A1 mutation emerged in Holstein cows and worked its way into the vast majority of dairy cows through interbreeding.

The goat milk boom
Up to now, the only way for most milk drinkers to avoid A1 casein has been to switch to goat milk which is naturally A2, which I did about five years ago (unless you happen to live in an area that sells sheep, camel, or yak milk).(1)  Goat milk is great except it is really expensive--at least $3.69 per quart, which averages over $14 a gallon.(2) Cow's milk goes for more like $4 or $5 per gallon, a huge difference. I literally spend about $200 a month on goat milk.

Australia leads the comeback of A2 cow milk in Guernsey cows
In response to major outcry against A1 cow's milk for years, there is now a resurgence of A2 cow milk production. It started in Australia where dairy farming is a mega-industry. They pinpointed Golden Guernsey cows that only produce A2 milk (which again is the original protein) and have begun a major exporting it. Here's their website

US dairies now getting into the A2 trade
But now there are several dairies in the US that have started selling A2 milk, and many more are surely soon to follow given the widespread awareness of the problems with A1 milk.

In my area, I located a farm in Lancaster, PA called Yoder's that sell's A2 milk and will be driving up there for a "test run." If it works out, I may be making many trips... There is a another farm in Winchester, VA but is requires a "cow sharing" contract...

There is even a new brand of whey protein SFH which uses A2 cows. It is based in Maine.

(1) I have always drunk a lot of milk, a half gallon a day or more, since I was a kid. But as I got older I noticed spaciness, phlegm, and other reactions from cow's milk.

(2) Goat milk also has more arachidonic acid (AA) that cow's milk which is inflammatory. AA is the opposite fatty acid from Omega 3s which are anti-inflammatory.

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