At the same time, I have also been following the development of new ways of removing the plaque in arteries that actually causes heart disease, and there are extremely effective ways of doing this detailed below, which I have done myself over a period of 2+ years with much success.
High LDL cholesterol is only a symptom
High cholesterol, which statins are prescribed for, is a symptom of something else. When the body is in a state of stress it jacks up cholesterol. Just lowering the cholesterol is not really addressing the reason why the cholesterol is high--so taking statins can be a false panacea, making a person think they are "fixing" their heart disease when in fact that are just slapping a band-aid on symptom.
How to actually remove the plaque that hardens arteries
Not only can you prevent a heart attack, you can rid your arteries of so much plaque and create so much space for blood flow that a heart attack isn't even a possibility--but running and swimming are. My guess is that in 10 years or so this will be commonplace, because it really is quite easy from a theoretical standpoint, though it takes persistence and time.
Some relatively simple supplements have been found to actually function to attack each of the different types of plaque very effectively. There is a ton of info on them on the net, but I can tell you from several years of doing these things (below) I have actually felt arteries that were hardened/stuck "pop" open when enough plaque was removed--many times in my legs, chest, neck, shoulders, etc. You can feel the circulation come back as more blood swims in. I'm not selling anything, just telling you straight up I don't think these things work, I know they work. I've done it. They key is, though, you have to keep doing this stuff for a while, like removing dozens of layers of paint, it is not an overnight process and you do have to shell out the $15 a bottle that they cost for many bottles, up to 50+. But noticeable results do come quick, it does work and can literally save your life.
Arteries get clogged with 3 things: cholesterol, calcium (calcifications), and fibrin (proteins).
Something called EPL (essential phospholipids) has been found to cause the cholesterol to literally melt off by lowering its melting temperature to body temperature. I'm not selling it but I have used it for a long time and I guarantee that if you keep taking this stuff over months and years (like 20+ bottles) you will see serious results and may even avert a heart attack.
To get even more serious on that plaque, rip off the calcifications as well using LipoPhos EDTA. You need an empty stomach for both of these supplements to let them go into the bloodstream. With LipoPhos EDTA, you need to replace calcium and manganese afterwards, so just take it twice a week.
And if you really want to add the third blow to plaque in your arteries, take a third thing, the enzyme bromelain. Buy a huge bottle cheap at Vitamin Shoppe, throw down 3-4 at a time on an empty stomach. It will eat up the third thing that clogs arteries fibrin, which is made of protein and bromelain is a protein-eating enzyme.
Lipophos - Good LipoPhos EDTA - better, one-two punch
That's really it--if you don't have calcifications, cholesterol, and fibrin in your arteries... you don't have plaque.
Statins articles pools many of the studies on statins and has several articles on the topic, but there are hundreds of sites about the problems with statins. The thrust seems to be get the heck off statins.
Here's another link "Statin Insanity"
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