Here's the basic idea: there are three main things that clog arteries and give people heart disease, stroke, etc., but now there are new ways to get each one of the three out without surgery. Summary is at the bottom.
Heart disease is the #1 killer in the US, just above cancer and way beyond all the others. Many people feel fine, seem healthy, go running for miles a day, then have a heart attack.
For decades people with heart disease have been given temporary "band-aid" solutions (ex. statins, stents, bypass surgery--the "drugs and surgery model") that only treat symptoms rather than attacking the underlying problem: clearing plaque from the arteries. What's new is that we now know how to treat the actual problem itself, viz. we know how to get plaque out without surgery. It's not that complicated, anyone can do it, and the mechanisms are explained on many sites on the net.
Put differently, you can reverse the path toward a heart attack and transform your arteries to a much healthier state allowing an exponential increase in blood flow that will lower blood pressure, deliver nutrients better, etc.
The solutions are summarized in brief at the bottom, and if you already know all about what heart disease is, the explanations of the solutions are in the middle.
What heart disease is
There are 3 major substances that form the plaque in the diagram above. They are:
LDL Cholesterol (bad cholesterol) - a yellow waxy lipid (form of fat, which is key)
Calcifications - deposits made of calcium (a mineral, which is key)
Fibrin - a fibrous protein that forms meshlike clots over wounds (protein is key)
"Heart disease" (leading to heart attacks) occurs due to atherosclerosis, hardening of the arties that occurs when the inner walls are splattered and coated with hard, tough substances (plaque) that build up over a lifetime, not all at once. It is not a stretch to say that pretty much every adult has some form of heart disease because arteries have been clogged little by little, year by year. Trans fats, which everyone who ever at processed foods during the 80s and 90s inhaled by the gallon, has a special ability to create plaque. Hence the drastic explosion of heart disease in adults. Also, there may be particular places where arteries might be especially blocked ("acutely"), posing a higher risk.
Why do we have plaque at all?
It is the body's way of patching up damaged arteries, kind of like spackling in a hole in the interior wall of a pipe. However, when there's too much spackle over time, it fills up the space in the pipe making it hard for blood to flow. The body has natural mechanisms for getting rid of plaque (including HDL or "good" cholesterol), but the problem is these slow down with age. So we need another solution to tip the balance toward getting rid of plaque rather than accumulating it.
So how to get these three forms of plaque out?
This is no longer a question; it is known, but by no means instantaneous. Basically it is a plumbing problem that requires three different "Dranos" to attack the three problem substances, and all three have been identified--and multiple options to remove each.
A simple but accurate and extremely useful way to look at it is that we need to get rid of a mineral, a fat, and a protein. That's where the solutions lie. For two of these, the fat (cholesterol) and the protein (fibrin), we already know how to break them down because our bodies' enzymes break them down every day when we eat them. There are now ways to apply the same eynzyme action used in our stomach to our arteries, called systemic enzymes. The mineral (calcifications) is a little different, but can be removed as well.
How Long it Takes
These methods start working right away, but do not work overnight. To put it simply, if you have been coating a wall with random layers of three types of paint over a lifetime, it is going to take many passes of different "paint removers" to get it off. But it will come off, and more importantly even if just a small fraction of the plaque comes off in a month that fraction of newly-recovered space in the arteries may hugely improve circulation--even prevent a heart attack if the blockage was bad.
Here is a breakdown of how to attack each of the three plaque-forming substances. An important point is that all three together clog arteries, layered haphazardly on top of each other over time. Therefore to be successful in removing plaque one has to attack all three. For example, you can attack exposed cholesterol but there may be more underneath layers of fibrin and calcifications, so to get to the cholesterol you have to remove the others first, and vice-versa.
Attacking Cholesterol
To get rid of cholesterol there are two options, both pretty simple thanks to modern science.
1. Take Lipase supplements as systemic enzymes.
Lipases are the natural enzymes that our bodies produce to break down lipids i.e. fats in food we eat. Since cholesterol is a lipid, Lipase will eat it up--but the cholesterol we need to attack is out in the arteries, not in the stomach. Therefore the key is that the Lipase supplements have to be taken as systemic enzymes. This means they have to make it past the stomach into the rest of the body. To do this, you just take them far away from meals on an empty stomach.
Notes on Lipase:
-Side effects? That's the good part about systemic enzymes. These are natural enzymes we already have and make in our bodies and there are very few side effects.
-Lipase can lower your blood cholesterol level in the process of removing arterial cholesterol. Pretty big additional benefit.
-Systemic enzyme therapy is a huge area of discovery in science today, not just for heart disease but for treating cancer and other diseases. There is a multitude of websites about systemic enzymes.
-Enzyme names generally share the same root as the thing they break down, i.e. proteases break down protein, sucrases break down sucrase, lipases break down lipids, etc.)
2. The other way to reduce cholesterol in arteries is known as Essential Phospholipids (EPL) in Liposomal form (the only form that works). EPL are basically simple substances derived from soy lecithin that, when they come in contact with cholesterol, cause a reaction that lowers cholesterol's melting point below human body temperature. The point: you basically melt cholesterol out of your system.
EPL only works in Liposomal form because it cannot survive the stomach's acidic environment intact and make it out beyond into the bloodstream unless it is "packaged" in microscopic capsules called liposomes. There will no doubt be many more brands in the future but right now a good one is LipoPhos Forte.
Attacking Fibrin
This one is easy--just taking proteases as systemic enzymes. Fibrin is made of protein so any protease (protein-eating or "proteolytic" enzymes) will eat the up, and protease supplements are available all over the place, cheaply, in many forms.
In fact many people take these reguarly just for general health, to get rid of protein deposits in your body.
Again, only systemic proteases will affect the fibrin in you arteries i.e. taken on an empty stomach far away from food (just like lipase above).
Here are some good proteases. There is loads of information about them all over the net and what they can do for all sorts of issues, heart disease is only one. Again, because they are natural enzymes they have remarkably few side effects:
Bromelain - pineapple enzymes. Cheap yet has been called the Miracle Enzyme for good reasons. Can take bunch, but too much or your insides will feel tender--bromelain is the main ingredient in meat tenderizer (since meat is made of protein). Helps digest meat/proteins, too, which is good for IBS, if you use it as a regular food enzyme.
Nattokinase - from the traditional Japanese food natto, derived from fermented soy. More expensive than bromelain but hailed as a big discovery and also as a possible reason why Japanese people have fewer heart attacks.
Serrapeptase - silkworm enzymes. More expensive, the most recent of the three to be used. More information is being developed as studies are done, but it is available in Vitaminshoppe.
Note about strokes, blood thinning and clotting:
All three of these proteases eat up the fibrin that clots are made of and thin blood. If you have stroke issues or are taking blood thinners, they not a good idea; a better idea would be to get off the artifical blood thinners and switch to these natural blood thinners that can easily dissolve problematic clots for good.
Attacking Calcifications
Chelators are substances that bind (chelate) other substances. Calcium Disodium EDTA is a substance that binds to calcium, it is used in products from soda to salad dressing. It is also the only current solution for calcifications in the arteries.
Like the EPL above, EDTA does naturally absorb well into the body, so don't bother taking regular EDTA capsules, only 5% is absorbed. The best way to get it is in Liposomal form (again, liposomes are tiny capsules that act as "packages" to carry whatever is put in them, protecting it through the stomach's acidic environment).
Because companies realize that customers want both EPL and EDTA to treat heart disease, they actually put them together in a product called Lipophos EDTAthat contains both of the key substances in the same liposomes
Both the EPL and EDTA descirbed above are now given intravenously by doctors. They are calling the EPL treatments "Plaquex" and the EDTA just intravenous EDTA chelation. Intravenous EDTA has been done for years but Plaquex (do-it-yourself Plaquex) is very new, just in the past few years. Again it is made of just soy lecithin so there is very little issue with side effects. These intravenous treatments are great ways to do both, except that a) they are 10 times more expensive than doing it yourself and b) doctors will only do it if you have demonstrated late-stage heart disease. Basically, our medical system is designed on the "drugs and surgery" model that treats problems when they become exacerbated, rather than the preventive medicine model which aims to keep problems from arising in the first place.
To sum up:
A. Cardiovascular blockages are made of three things that can now each be removed without surgery.
1. Calcifications removed by Liposomal EDTA
2. Cholesterol removed by Liposomal Essential Phospholipids (EPL) and/or high potency Lipase supplements taken on an empty stomach between meals (ex. Lypo Gold by Enzymedica)
3. Fibrin removed by protein-eating enzymes such as Bromelain, Nattokinase, Serrapeptase
B. To be effective requires targeting all three because they are haphazardly layered on top of each other, so that you may need to get through one to get to either of the other two.
C. LipoPhos EDTA combines both 1 and 2, EDTA and EPL.
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