Thursday, March 10, 2011

Eating cholesterol is not related to high blood cholesterol

High blood cholesterol has virtually nothing to do with eating cholesterol. There are people who eat lots of cholesterol and have low blood cholesterol, and people who eat low cholesterol and have high blood cholesterol. The dietary cholesterol-blood cholesterol link is a major misconception that prevents people from eating some of the healthiest foods like eggs, whole milk, and meat.

Cholesterol is an essential substance found in many parts of the body especially the brain. Some cholesterol circulates in the bloodstream, and 85% of this blood cholesterol comes from the liver, only 15% from diet. High blood cholesterol levels come from increased cholesterol released by the body into the bloodstream when it is imbalanced/diseased/etc., not from eating steak or an egg. In other words, if you have high cholesterol look at your overall health - essential fat imbalances, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, etc. And eat as many egg yolks (preferably raw and only organic omega-3) as you want. The cholesterol in these is good for you, great for your brain.

Also, cholesterol comes in two forms, good and bad HDL and LDL. That's another story...

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